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August 8, 2022

This is the first time I'm posting on my new site,! So I guess this is a good time to introduce myself.

I'm food4ghosts! I'm a person who works a job, makes a lot of stuff for fun, and just tries to be an all around nice person. I chose the name food4ghosts because I really like working with audio and I also really like ghosts. Without going too far into the nerdy details, audio is the release of energy causing waves to move air molecules and I thought, "maybe ghosts eat audio?", and thus here I am as food4ghosts.

I pretty recently decided to make a new website to share some of the things I make and some thoughts. I've never really been into social media (and boy oh boy did I try), but I never really enjoyed the lack of expression and really never felt like I could truly connect with people on there. After awhile I stumbled upon neocities and fell in love with what I saw people making! I decided to make my own and here I am.

I spend most of my time working on music or creating things in some way or another. I also like to play video games here and there. For work I'm a software engineer, which is also how I learned programming. A long time ago, I went to college for computer science, but quickly ran out of money and dropped out. I tried going back a few times and just could never really get into it. It wasn't an environment for someone who's an explorative learner like me. If you're someone who wants to learn something like coding or anything but is struggling to do so:


Be kind to yourself, learning something new is tough. I learned programming awhile ago and I still struggle with it and need help, It's just a part of the process and makes all the more worth achieving.


Try taking some time to try learning it in a new way. For me this was getting away from traditional classes and exploring in any direction I wanted to. The subject will be a bit abstract and not come together at first, but when you give it time, you'll recognize the patterns and pick up skills.


Be patient. Like I said before, learning something new is very tough. It takes time, practice and failure to cultivate new skills. I truly believe that everyone is capable of learning and excelling at anything they want to in life as long as they're willing to put in the work. Whether it's a video creator or platinum selling pop star, I believe I can do it, I believe you can do it.

I hope my ramblings on my first post here have been enjoyable. I would love to hear from you as well! Tell me about you, who you are, how you found my little corner of the web, what you like to do, anything really! You can send me an email by clicking the ghost on my "about" page. I hope to hear from you and I hope you have a lovely day :)

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