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Framework Hell

September 20, 2022

So I've been going back and forth on which framework I should use for my blog here and I gotta say, they all kinda suck.

So they don't actually suck, but there are a lot of choices out there and they all kind of have their own kind of tradeoffs. So for a tl;dr For when you want simplicity, html and a little bit of CSS still feels like king unless you're looking for certain features (which can also be fulfilled with other simple tools).

When I was building out this new site, I tried out a few different frameworks and ran into some various frustrations as I was building. We'll go over some of the frustrations, but keep in mind that the goal I wanted was to have a simple, old web style website where I could post some art and blog posts. This would be hosted on Neocities (my favorite hosting site). Seems like it would be a super simple thing right? Well, not so much. The beauty of Neocities is that it allows you to build websites with nothing but simple html, css and javascript. Frameworks give you a TON of power and control over your content in an easier manner, but that comes at the cost of creating a website that is complex and abstracted from a code standpoint. Even static site generators built into the frameworks can add some annoying complexities that are difficult to make work with some hosts.

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